Constitution and Rules
Name & Objectives
The name of the society shall be The Association of Falkirk Astronomers (A.F.A.), and its objectives shall be to advance the education of the public about the science and awareness of Astronomy, and to promote astronomy in Falkirk and its environs by the following methods:
- to circulate information on astronomical matters by the publication of articles, booklets, etc.
- to educate in astronomical study and observation.
- to increase popular interest in astronomy.
- to encourage general astronomy
The association shall be composed of ordinary and junior members. Ordinary members are those members aged 16 and over at the start of the subscription year as defined elsewhere in the constitution. Junior members must be of secondary school age up to the limit of 16 years of age. Junior members shall not be entitled to vote at meetings.
Admittance of Members
All members must behave in a responsible manner at all times. Any damage done by a member is the responsibility of that member. No alcohol or drugs will be tolerated on any of the society's premises. Meetings are strictly no smoking zones. Members attend meetings and events entirely at their own risk.
A responsible adult must accompany junior members.
Equal Opportunities
The Association of Falkirk Astronomers makes every effort to create conditions in which all members are treated solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and potential, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, age, or other irrelevant distinction.
- The annual subscription shall be such sums as shall be determined from time to time by the committee.
- The first subscription is due no later than two months after the first attendance as a guest. Until the subscription is paid, no rights of membership shall accrue. Subscription renewal is thereafter due 1 year from the date of payment of the previous payment, and should it not be paid by 1 month of the due date, then membership rights will be suspended until it is paid. If the subscription is still not paid within 3 months of due date, the defaulting member shall cease to be a member immediately. Such members may be re-instated at the discretion of the committee.
- Any member shall, on ceasing to be a member, forfeit all rights of membership.
- The meetings of the society shall consist of Ordinary Meetings, Lecture Meetings, the Annual General Meeting, and Special General Meetings as hereinafter defined.
- Ordinary Meetings shall be held once each month, or as the committee may direct. Guests may attend such meetings up to a limit of three, but have no rights of membership.
- Lecture meetings shall be held as and when appropriate and shall be announced at least by the previous ordinary meeting.
- Special General Meetings shall be held as required, with a minimum of 14 days notice being given.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held in February of each year.
The management of the society shall be vested in a committee elected from ordinary members who have been members for at least one year preceding the date of the election.
Any member shall be entitled to make a nomination for any of the offices, whether of office bearers or ordinary, provided that notice, signed by the member and by a seconder, is given to the secretary at least 28 days before the AGM.
The Office Bearers and Committee Members shall be elected at the AGM each year, and they shall hold office for one year from the date of the AGM. They shall be eligible for re-election.
In the event of any vacancy arising in the committee, the committee shall have the power to co-opt a society member to fill the vacancy till the next AGM. Any person so co-opted should have been an ordinary member for at least six months.