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Amateur Astronomy Societies  top
Aberdeen & District Astronomical Society Affiliated to Scottish Astronomers Group
Astronomical Society of Edinburgh Affiliated to Scottish Astronomers Group
Astronomical Society of Glasgow Affiliated to Scottish Astronomers Group
Highlands Astronomical Society Affiliated to Scottish Astronomers Group
SIGMA The astronomical club in Moray, a nice friendly lot with a good dark site.
Stirling Astronomical Society Affiliated to Scottish Astronomers Group
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Interesting site with good links and a magazine called Mercury
Boston Astronomers  Nothing to do with the tea party, all to do with astronomy in Lincolnshire
Trento Amateur Astro Association Italian society with pages in English.

Astronomy Groups and Organisations  top
British Astronomical Association Home Page Lots of information and links to astronomy sites
The Federation of Astronomical Societies The UK equivalent of the Scottish Astronomers Group
The Society for Popular Astronomy Good site and reasonable subscription (£12) for quarterly magazine and newsletters
Royal Astronomical Society The professional organisation in the UK if not the World
American Association of Variable Stars Observers Site for research in variable star astronomy, interesting
History of Astronomy A new society with an impressive council and well worth checking out the website

Individuals with Astronomy sites  top
Russell's Astronomy Site Photographs of Aurora, Comets, 1999 & 2001 Eclipses, Transit of Venus, an excellent 'Beginners Guide to Astrophotography' and lots more
Tom McEwan Noctilucent Cloud observers home page. Comprehensive site for NCL observers
Universities and Observatories  top
Cambridge University Cambridge University astronomy site.
Armagh Planetarium Catalogue of videos, 35mm Slides, posters, T-Shirts and astro gifts.

Educational Sites  top
The Virtual Sun A tour of our nearest star. Takes about 20 minutes!
Birr Castle The historic 72" reflector at Birr Castle in Ireland, this you must visit.
Astronomy Notes An on-line course in, would you believe, astronomy. Good site for all.
Photographing Satellites Photographing artificial earth satellites is a challenging facet of astrophotography that requires only simple equipment, a dark sky, a good technique, and a measure of luck, this site by Brian Webb will show you how to achieve all this.
Sleeping Under the Stars: A Beginner's Guide to Stargazing and Astrophotography Side recommended by Cassie.

NASA and Space Science  top
Space Weather Bureau All the latest space weather news. Get e-mailed when aurora are predicted
Starchaser Starchaser Industries are a world leading company committed to developing reusable, affordable and safe space vehicles for the purpose of space tourism.
NASA Kids Club Join here, it's free. They collect virtual trading cards, trade them online, have their own e-mail account, and participate in great learning activities for extra club points.
NASA Earth Observatory Images of the Earth taken mainly from the ISS.

Publications  top
Astronomy Another USA astronomy magazine, good but not as popular as S & T.
The Astronomer Magazine An on-line magazine for the more advanced astronomer
Sky at Night Magazine An off-shoot of the popular BBC TV programme. Excellent magazine that could rival the other UK astronomy magazine but I prefer to think they compliment each other.

Interesting places in the UK which are open to the public and are connected with astronomy  top
Jodrell Bank Visitor Centre Good day out with visitors centre which includes many interesting exhibits. Good planetarium show. If the weather is fine there is also a lovely long walk through the grounds. (Cheshire)
The Royal Observatory, Greenwich (London)
The Observatory Science Centre, Herstmonceux Guided tour of telescopes is especially interesting. The hands-on science centre is great for enquiring children. (Sussex)
William Herschel Museum (Bath)
London Planetarium (Central London)
Our Dynamic Earth Great visitor attraction in Edinburgh near the new Scottish Parliament building.
Glasgow Science Centre Lots of hands-on for the kids (and the older kids). The planetarium is a must and the Imax cinema, especially the 3D films.